MUSIC/KPOP: 4/9/18 What is Love? by Twice đź’š

WHERE MY FELLOW ONCE('s) AT????? Whoooooo twice's new comeback song What is Love is currently number 5 trending on YouTube in the US (probably higher around the world??). I would definitely rank twice in my top 3 in my favorite kpop groups, and I was super excited to see this video.

(Note: I think I'm going to be rating the music video along with the song,  I just think the music video deserves to be part of the rating)

Anyway, the song is, well AMAZING. Twice of course is known for their more up beat songs (even TT, a song about crying (not literally obviously but the title is actually TT sooooo) is still upbeat and fun. And I think this is why most people love kpop. Sure, in the US, there are a lot of sappy slow love songs, but I love the fast tempo and upbeat songs Twice just continues to produce.

My favorite part is (as it is in most songs) the chorus. This chorus popped out to be very unique for me. I melted when I heard the chorus, which to those who have yet to listen to it, is basically "I wanna know" followed by some sort of response such as "why it can feel as sweet as candy". Oof, JYPEntertainment has found a banger. Like, putting all of twice together for just a few English words worked so perfectly, and the call by Sana fit right in.

I also do want to point out, while, I've never been a Jeongyeon bias person/fan whatever, I do have to respect I really enjoyed her parts in the song. It seems like JYP has found a place for her in TWICE and I feel like those who dislike Jeongyeon will at least be able to respect her position in the group

I suppose I could talk more about the song, but it really has put me at a loss of words (that and the fact it is hard for me to comment on the lyrics when it's in Korean- sure there are English translations but I don't know, I'd rather just talk about the song from a standpoint of me listening to it on Spotify)

And to comment on the music It was really genius. Basically the entire music video is references from other movies, such as Romeo and Juliet (the fish tank scene, from I believe not the 90s remake but the one before that) and LA LA LAND AHHHH. Yeah, I really enjoyed that.

Also the choreography was A1. Very nice. Not a dance review specialist guy so don't wanna comment on it too much.

Rating: 5 out of 5 (The first top rating!)

Listen on YouTube

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