YOUTUBE: 7/21/18 Channel Highlight Week #1
Hey guys, so I'm gonna be starting a new weekly ish post that I'll throw in between my music (kpop) reviews and my viral trends highlights. This new series, which you can kinda figure out by the name, is basically a series where I'm gonna highlight really cool, awesome, or funny channels that have under 500 thousand subs (I mean I guess they'll still be popular but there's a good chance you don't know about them).
Anyways, my first channel highlight is a channel called Gas Station Encounters. And let me tell you this is probably one of the funniest channels I have seen in a while. Basically it is run but a cashier at this one gas station which people try to steal from all the time. So what he does when people tries to steal is he takes the CCTV footage and does a hilarious commentary over what is going on (she gonneeeee!!!)
You seriously need to check this guy out. He also shows footage of people being dumb and of other viral stuff from other gas stations and man do I love this guy. Go give him a sub and support him.
Find his channel here: Gas Station Encounters
Anyways, my first channel highlight is a channel called Gas Station Encounters. And let me tell you this is probably one of the funniest channels I have seen in a while. Basically it is run but a cashier at this one gas station which people try to steal from all the time. So what he does when people tries to steal is he takes the CCTV footage and does a hilarious commentary over what is going on (she gonneeeee!!!)
You seriously need to check this guy out. He also shows footage of people being dumb and of other viral stuff from other gas stations and man do I love this guy. Go give him a sub and support him.
Find his channel here: Gas Station Encounters

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