KPOP: 8/21/18 (TBT) Oh Boy by Red Velvetđź’š

WOOO first official throw back tuesday !!! Alright so I've been waiting a while to do a review on this song because I absolutely love it. Was gonna do it on a fun friday but BTS is literally coming back this friday so I couldn't waste it.

Anyways just to kinda start of this song, this is part of Red Velvet's first full ish album, titled "Red". Now recently with the release of the perfect red velvet and all that many people have not liked summer magic for Red Velvet not being more "velvet", which in my opinion is like kind of shocking. Obviously I love the velvet side of red velvet but I like practically grew up on Red Flavor so I'm a fan of the red. Anyways, just some opinion.

This song is also the most massive bop I have every seen. Like the beat is insanely catchy and you just want to bop your head along to it. It changes up a little but it keeps this really cool and chill vibe to it that is pretty nice. The lyrics also do a good job keeping the "bop" vibe.

(just a sidenote: wendy's part in the beginning is like THE perfect way to start the song. The way she says "oh boy" her vocals are really just so pure)

So the first verse and lyrics aren't much to talk about. Vocals are nice? Sure. Line distribution? It's good. What I will say though is the amount of times they say "oh boy" can be annoying to some people. Me personally I don't mind them at all, but I can get that some people might be a little unhappy with the one million "oh boys'" they hear.

The chorus is also super in line with the type of chill relaxed song this is. Nothing fancy with the chorus, no intense buildup, just you hear the chorus, there's a little instrumental change, and that's it you just move on. Nothing that stands out.

The rest of the song is pretty similar to the first verse. Just a lot of "oh boy" followed by korean. Just freaking remember that this song is like super catchy and I really don't know how else to describe it other than "it's a bop". Like seriously. It's just got that vibe. If you listen to it you'll know what I mean.

Rating 3.5 out of 5

Listen here

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