KPOP: 8/6/18 Power Up by Red Velvet ๐Ÿ’š

AHHH SORRY FOR NOT POSTING I WAS JUST GETTING HYPE FOR RED VELVET'S COMEBACKK. But seriously though it was alreadya  good album but adding Bad Boy English version made the album muuuchhhhh better. Here are some quick thoughts on it.

So before I dive into the nitty gritty of things, I just wanna say overall I like how they decided to revert back to the old style of just being bubbly and happy and such. Now don't get me wrong I liked the last two comebacks where it kind of had that bad girl vibe, but it was just really cool to see them give their old style a chance, where the lyrics kind of don't make sense, but there's just such a good vibe that you're just happy to listen to it.

Alright so we get into the first verse and Irene's entrance was amazing. It was such a good contrast against the first opening bit and sets off the song on such a good mood. And this is gonna be a recurring thing throughout the song, where the line they are singing kind of goes up in pitch a little bit. Like if you listen to Irene's first line you'll kinda get the idea of what I mean; you'll hear it go up and then down. Such an awesome way to sing the song, i dunno if it was just varying the song structure or whatever technical term, but it was just good.

So after that we get a little bit of back and forth between Irene and Yeri, which is good. Then Joy and Seulgi have a part and there isn't much to complain. Vocals change a little bit but it is still pretty good. Then Wendy comes in and has a nice pre chorus not much to complain about.

Finally we hit the chorus which is SUPER catchy. First chorus was Irene I think and let me just say I have never heard as iconic of lyrics as "go go airplane". I dunno I just feel like it will always stick with me. And then towards the end of the chorus they hit you with the "yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, let's power up" which is like the pinnacle of this bubblegum kpop style.

Second verse has a little bit of variation. Joy and Wendy's lines kinda follow the pattern where the pitch goes up, and honestly they are just sung super well. Then of course the second chorus hits, not much too it.

Now the one thing that shocked me was the rap break. Like honestly I was so confused because I had no idea how it was possible to make a rap verse seem super cute. But it was as they did here, and that honestly is the best way to describe it: just super cute and upbeat. Then the bridge hits (it's whatever) and final chorus.

Rating: 4.3 out of 5 ๐Ÿ’š

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