Sorry for this being so late, but I was out last night to see Paul Blart Mall Cop 2, and I practically fell knocked out on my bed the instant I got home. So, to console you guys for me missing my daily deadline, I've decided to do a book review today! I usually don't do book reviews, but today's will be on Flush by Carl Hiaasen, look for that later today.

But back to the title. I won my school's title for most pages read in the school year. Guess who read more than 90,000 pages? That's right. It's the guy who considers himself a book connoisseur, the same guy who walks into Barnes And Noble, looks at a book and describes it as being an "elegant form of literature with a futuristic ska theme to it" (all in an accent one of those french dudes with berets have!), the same guy who basically has no life other than reading, writing his book and this blog, and eating(I no I'm sad). That guy is ME!. I'll get an award during the award day ceremony at my school, and I can't wait to show it to you guys!


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