Ok, normally, I don't get emotional, but when I hit three thousand views, I literally started tearing up. I got into blogging because I wanted to just voice my opinion, and thought I would get maybe five views a day. Now I'm averaging at least 30 views a freaking day! Now, that doesn't sound like much, considering some viral videos get millions of views, but this is a blog, which is usually about books, which relate to school (ew!) while some dog running over a guy is hilariously funny. Seriously, thanks so much. I want to give some awesome shoutouts.

Shoutout to all my HMS friends (sorry for forgetting you): Nathan Root, Ivan Munoz, Hae-jeen & Tae-Hyun Ryou, Megan Ngo, Zackary Laymance, Michael Lord, Joshua Perea, and so many more. You've really made HMS awesome for me and I can't thank you enough.

Thanks to Deborah Mutombo & Megan Ngo: For drawing for me when I couldn't draw diddly-crap, and doing it all as a favor

Thanks to Jonathan Chaidez-Solano: For being awesome (and a great pal)

Finally thanks to Libni Quintanilla (sorry if I spelled it wrong!)- The First pen Pal I ever had.

Also, I think I will start accepting book requests. I've finished "The Candymakers" by Libni, and I'm starting to read Mr. Lumoncellos library!  requested by Ariana. I'm also thinking of posting people's stories & reviews: If you want to be featured in a blog viewed by a few dozen people each day and you don't have to give me nothing, let me know at justindoan8@gmail.com. I'll take stories, book reviews, anything book related.


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