YOUTUBE: 7/25/18 Drake Student Wins Half Court Shot Contest

Alright so being a multimedia blog I figured I'd shake it up for today, but it's alright I'll go back to kpop tomorrow. However, I've had this video in my Youtube Videos for Blog playlist and I just thought that today was the right day to share it.

Anyways, this video is of a student at Drake University. At some basketball game, he gets picked from the crowd to do a half court shot contest. Although instead of a cash prize, he gets a truck. Which in my opinion is really cool because I've seen contests where the grand prize was like a thousand dollars or a TV so for such a small university a free vehicle is super cool.

You can watch the video here. I'm gonna talk about it and spoil it a little ahead so if you wanna experience it yourself first then watch it.


Alright so this is a pretty incredible video. First off let me just say am I the only one that thought this guy was bob ross as a college student. He definitely nailed the afro and the glasses. Anyways, I like how at the start the emcee is trying to hype up the crowd and this man misses his first two layups. One time is understandable: you're nervous and a lot is on the line, but the second miss is honestly impressive.

Lay-up made, free throw time. The crowd's prolly thinkin, took him three tries to hit the layup, no way he's sinkin a free throw. But this guy gets the bounce of the heavens and sinks it first try. I would be going crazy if I was there, I really would not believe it.

Here we go we got a competitor. 20 seconds to sink a three and at least get one chance at the half court prize. First shot. Brick. 15 seconds left. second shot. brick. 11 seconds left. Third shot. brick. And here's where we discover our true hero. The guy who is snatching the ball. This man better have given him some sort of compensation because the ball-getter is an absolute savior. The third shot hits the front of the rim and bounces way out. Fake bob ross makes no attempt at the ball, leaving the savior to sprint like his life is on the line for the ball. 7 seconds left.

What little energy the crowd got from the free throw make is gone. But somehow he sINKS ITT. 5 SECONDS LEFT. THE CROWD IS ON THEIR FEET. He does an awkward backpedal to the half court line, making sure he doesn't trip. The ball-getter sprints back to the the rim, grabs the ball and chucks it as hard as he can to the man.

And this is my favorite part. He had like 3 seconds at the half court line with the ball in hand. But instead of setting his feet, as soon as he gets the ball he kinda just lunges it back at the backboard, like he's a trampoline. Maybe it was because the crowd was going nuts and he thought he only had a second. Maybe it was because he knew he didn't have the power to take a set shot. Or he didn't want to over think it.

Anyways, the ball is in the air, thanks to fake Bob Ross's automatic lunge it's on time with no doubt. The ball-getter is under the basket jumping, like he knows it's going in.

And the rest is history.


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