Evil Spy School Prediction Part 1
Hey guys. I said I was going to do predictions last, because I wanted to finish my reviews, but after Stuart gave me a shoutout on his blog at www.stuartgibbs.com, I just decided to let it out early. This is my original prediction, before Stuart answered my and many others' questions about what happens, so I'm afraid this is not going to be accurate. But anyways, enjoy! So I thought that the first few chapters would be how everybody at the camp reacted to Ben and Erica's homecoming. And all the things that were supposed to happen, like the color war, would happen. But then they return to Spy School, and Ben gets called to be sent down to the principal's office, where he says that Ben is being recruited for the"CIA Mole Agency"(or whatever it it called). So he packs off his things, says goodbye to his friends, and heads off to Spy School. But in private,before he stepped out of his room, Erica jumped in. She gave him a nice, warm, friendly hug goodbye. She wo...