Crossover Fanfic Part 12!
Teddy's: Summer grabbing my hand made it felt like the cheesiness you find in a movie. It’s just like a walk to a building we’ve been to and back, no big deal right? But I think complying with this task meant more, we were in for the whole ride now. Inside, it was exactly what you expected a sewage pipe to be like. It was dark with a faint light every couple of minutes which I assumed were for workers to somewhat see, and there was a lot of gunk on the ground which we had to avoid by walking on the sides of the circular tube. Erica had fallen behind when Cyrus and Alexander wanted to sprint up there to see if it connected in any way to SPYDER’s base. “So I don’t believe we’ve met without me pointing a gun at you” She shook hands with Teddy and Summer, which was really weird for her, the only other times she’d had hand to hand combat not in a fight with enemy agents was with Cyrus…or me. “Why are you so cold?” Teddy said, out of the blue. We all turned at him before Er...